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CM Family Update 10/05/2020

Melissa Weissinger

Please find here the recording of the CM family update discussion held Monday, October 5th, 2020. The primary topic of discussion was the plan for Hybrid families and any potential scheduled start date. The talk also included recent updates on the pandemic and how it is effecting CM.

There will be another CM family update via video call on the current pandemic situation and the school on Tuesday, October 20th at 12pm. The new potential start date for the full Hybrid program is on Monday, October 26th and an update on that will be given on the 20th.

Although ages 6 and up through Teens will not officially start the Hybrid Program, families who feel this is a strong need for their learner to be on campus for 2-3 days per week, can directly email their studio teachers. Studios will add learners as they have capacity and the school can still prioritize safety for staff and learners on campus.

All of this is subject to change based on changing scenarios and primarily continuing availability of staff at the school to support the programs.

Please keep a close eye on any emails and communication from the school as the pandemic situation continues to evolve!


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