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CM Family Update 12/16/2020

Melissa Weissinger

Please find here the recording of the CM family update held Wednesday, December 16th, 2020.

As the year 2020 comes to a close, we stand united with our families toward a hopeful 2021. We the CM staff have learned so much this year and we are so grateful for your perseverance, dedication, and partnership. You are our heroes and your essential support of your children in this partnership is something we are humbled by each day.


  • We miss our children/teens/families! Please stay healthy and read about resources for mental and emotional health in our Courage at CM email, here.

  • Families should keep their children home if they exhibit any of the symptoms identified on the Parent Screener from ISDH (and linked in the CM Pandemic Plan). This could be up to 14 days, please check with your studio teachers about that process if any situations may apply to you.

  • ANY exposure defined as a close contact for any household member (around the COVID positive individual for 15 minutes) should ABSOLUTELY stay home for 14 days, per the CDC guidelines.

  • NURTURY planning to re-open on 1/11/20 - Nurtury will be opening for all families. Please read additional emails sent directly to you about this program.

  • EARLY EDUCATION planning to re-open 1/11/20 - Early Education will be open for the Family Support Program (FSP) learners AND hybrid learners. The hybrid schedule will be communicated by the studios. Extended learning will be open for Early Education learners.

  • ELEMENTARY AND TEENS OFF-CAMPUS from 1/5/20 - 2/9/20 - Families enrolled in the elementary and teens will continue to learn OFF-CAMPUS. Extended learning will be closed for these learners.

  • Anticipated re-opening of elementary and teens programs on 2/10/20, and this will be communicated in a family video call the week of 2/1/20.

  • FEBRUARY PPC DATE CHANGE - These PPC dates are moved from Thurs. 2/11 and Friday 2/12 to MONDAY, 2/8 and TUESDAY 2/9. This helps to equal out the hybrid learner attendance between Peace and Harmony groups if full Hybrid comes back on-campus. Click this link to access an updated school calendar for your reference.

  • Families should make sure they are connected for text messages (text YES to 67587 to make sure you are signed up). Any closures for COVID and/or inclement weather will be communicated via text.

All of this is subject to change based on changing scenarios, community COVID updates, and continuing availability of staff attendance/illness to support the programs.

We know that making decisions for your child to come on campus during the next few months can be a complicated decision. We understand;). If you were a part of the Family Support Program (FSP) or Hybrid Program, and no longer have a NEED for these programs and prefer to keep your child Off-Campus, please use this Change of Program Form to let us know. You can also use this form to communicate if you want to be added to the waitlist for the FSP program. We appreciate your support, and consideration of others who may need to request these learning options.

As we near the winter solstice, we can rest easy in knowing that the daylight will extend a little each day after. May your families find hope in this season of lights and continue to collaborate, lean on, create community with this extended Community Montessori family. We look forward to the day when there is a steady hum on campus and we can be eye to eye in a 4D way soon. We love and miss you!


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