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CM Family Update 2/1/21

Melissa Weissinger

Please find here the recording of the CM family update held Monday, February 1st, 2021.

In summary:

1. Indiana cases are finally decreasing, however in Clark/Floyd there are still above 18% positivity (unique individuals).

2. Due to the continuing increase of cases statewide and locally, the school will be moving to ONLY Family Support Program on-campus for ages 6 through 14 (6-9 year old program through the Islands level) and up starting Wednesday, February 10th.

The Nurtury Program will welcome all learners starting February 8th.

Early Education will welcome all learners enrolled in the Family Support program as well as the Hybrid schedule starting February 10th.

Elementary (ages 6-12) and Island Teens (ages 12-14) will welcome all learners enrolled in the Family Support Program.

Woods teens (ages 14-18) can attend on campus if they have been invited to do so by their advisors.

3. We will make a call on the hybrid schedule for our Elementary and Island learners on a video call a few weeks after the campus opens for our FSP learners.

4. Extended learning will be available for learners attending on campus and enrolled in the program.

Please remember our important on-campus reminders, listed below, and please review the 20-21 Pandemic (Working) Plan by clicking here.

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